
Sass 历来非常允许在选择器中使用前导、尾随和重复组合器。这些组合器已被弃用,除非它们可用于嵌套。

Sass 历史上支持组合器的三种无效用法:

¥Sass has historically supported three invalid uses of combinators:

  • 领先的组合器,如 + .error {color: red} 中所示。

    ¥Leading combinators, as in + .error {color: red}.

  • 尾随组合器,如 .error + {color: red} 中所示。

    ¥Trailing combinators, as in .error + {color: red}.

  • 重复组合器,如 div > > .error {color: red} 中所示。

    ¥Repeated combinators, as in div > > .error {color: red}.

这些都不是有效的 CSS,并且所有这些都会导致浏览器忽略相关的样式规则。支持它们给 Sass 的实现增加了大量的复杂性,并且使得修复与 @extend 规则相关的各种错误变得特别困难。因此,我们 做出了决定 取消了对这些用途的支持。

¥None of these are valid CSS, and all of them will cause browsers to ignore the style rule in question. Supporting them added a substantial amount of complexity to Sass’s implementation, and made it particularly difficult to fix various bugs related to the @extend rule. As such, we made the decision to remove support for these uses.


¥There is one major exception: leading and trailing combinators may still be used for nesting purposes. For example, the following is still very much supported:

SCSS Syntax

.sidebar > {
  .error {
    color: red;

Sass Syntax

.sidebar >
    color: red

CSS Output

.sidebar > .error {
  color: red;

仅当解决嵌套后选择器仍然具有前导或尾随组合器时,Sass 才会产生错误。另一方面,重复的组合器总是会出现错误。

¥Sass will only produce an error if a selector still has a leading or trailing combinator after nesting is resolved. Repeated combinators, on the other hand, will always be errors.

为了确保现有样式表(可能意外地)包含无效组合符,我们将支持一个过渡期,直到 Dart Sass 的下一个主要版本。

¥To make sure existing stylesheets who (likely accidentally) contain invalid combinators, we’ll support a transition period until the next major release of Dart Sass.

过渡期过渡期 permalink

¥Transition Period

Dart Sass
since 1.54.0
Ruby Sass


¥First, we’ll emit deprecation warnings for all double combinators, as well as leading or trailing combinators that end up in selectors after nesting is resolved.

💡 Fun fact:

Remember, you can silence deprecation warnings from libraries you don’t control! If you’re using the command-line interface you can pass the --quiet-deps flag, and if you’re using the JavaScript API you can set the quietDeps option to true.

此外,我们将立即开始从已编译的 CSS 中省略已知为无效 CSS 的选择器,但有一个例外:我们不会省略以前导组合器开头的选择器,因为它们可以在嵌套的 @import 规则或 meta.load-css() mixin 中使用。但是,我们不鼓励这种模式,并将在 Dart Sass 2.0.0 中放弃对它的支持。

¥In addition, we’ll immediately start omitting selectors that we know to be invalid CSS from the compiled CSS, with one exception: we won’t omit selectors that begin with a leading combinator, since they may be used from a nested @import rule or meta.load-css() mixin. However, we don’t encourage this pattern and will drop support for it in Dart Sass 2.0.0.