值 null
是该类型的唯一值。它表示缺少值,通常由 函数 返回以指示缺少结果。
SCSS Syntax
@use "sass:map";
@use "sass:string";
@debug string.index("Helvetica Neue", "Roboto"); // null
@debug map.get(("large": 20px), "small"); // null
@debug &; // null
Sass Syntax
@use "sass:map"
@use "sass:string"
@debug string.index("Helvetica Neue", "Roboto") // null
@debug map.get(("large": 20px), "small") // null
@debug & // null
如果 列表 包含 null
,则生成的 CSS 中会省略 null
¥If a list contains a null
, that null
is omitted from the generated CSS.
SCSS Syntax
$fonts: ("serif": "Helvetica Neue", "monospace": "Consolas");
h3 {
font: 18px bold map-get($fonts, "sans");
Sass Syntax
$fonts: ("serif": "Helvetica Neue", "monospace": "Consolas")
font: 18px bold map-get($fonts, "sans")
CSS Output
h3 {
font: 18px bold;
如果属性值为 null
¥If a property value is null
, that property is omitted entirely.
SCSS Syntax
$fonts: ("serif": "Helvetica Neue", "monospace": "Consolas");
h3 {
font: {
size: 18px;
weight: bold;
family: map-get($fonts, "sans");
Sass Syntax
$fonts: ("serif": "Helvetica Neue", "monospace": "Consolas")
size: 18px
weight: bold
family: map-get($fonts, "sans")
CSS Output
h3 {
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: bold;
也是 虚假的,这意味着对于任何采用布尔值的规则或 运算符,它都算作 false
。这使得可以轻松使用 null
的值作为 @if
和 if()
is also falsey, which means it counts as false
for any rules or
operators that take booleans. This makes it easy to use values that can be
as conditions for @if
and if()
SCSS Syntax
@mixin app-background($color) {
#{if(&, '&.app-background', '.app-background')} {
background-color: $color;
color: rgba(#fff, 0.75);
@include app-background(#036);
.sidebar {
@include app-background(#c6538c);
Sass Syntax
@mixin app-background($color)
#{if(&, '&.app-background', '.app-background')}
background-color: $color
color: rgba(#fff, 0.75)
@include app-background(#036)
@include app-background(#c6538c)
CSS Output
.app-background {
background-color: #036;
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75);
} {
background-color: #c6538c;
color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75);