
An object that implements custom Sass loading logic for @use rules and @import rules. It can be passed to importers or importer.

Importers that simply redirect to files on disk are encouraged to use the FileImporter interface instead.

Resolving a Load

This is the process of resolving a load using a custom importer:

  • The compiler encounters @use "db:foo/bar/baz".
  • It calls canonicalize with "db:foo/bar/baz".
  • canonicalize returns new URL("db:foo/bar/baz/_index.scss").
  • If the compiler has already loaded a stylesheet with this canonical URL, it re-uses the existing module.
  • Otherwise, it calls load with new URL("db:foo/bar/baz/_index.scss").
  • load returns an ImporterResult that the compiler uses as the contents of the module.

See importers for more details on the way loads are resolved using multiple importers and load paths.


sass.compile('style.scss', {
// An importer for URLs like `bgcolor:orange` that generates a
// stylesheet with the given background color.
importers: [{
canonicalize(url) {
if (!url.startsWith('bgcolor:')) return null;
return new URL(url);
load(canonicalUrl) {
return {
contents: `body {background-color: ${canonicalUrl.pathname}}`,
syntax: 'scss'

Type Parameters


  • Importer



  • If url is recognized by this importer, returns its canonical format.

    If Sass has already loaded a stylesheet with the returned canonical URL, it re-uses the existing parse tree (and the loaded module for @use). This means that importers must ensure that the same canonical URL always refers to the same stylesheet, even across different importers. As such, importers are encouraged to use unique URL schemes to disambiguate between one another.

    As much as possible, custom importers should canonicalize URLs the same way as the built-in filesystem importer:

    • The importer should look for stylesheets by adding the prefix _ to the URL's basename, and by adding the extensions .sass and .scss if the URL doesn't already have one of those extensions. For example, if the URL was foo/bar/baz, the importer would look for:

      • foo/bar/baz.sass
      • foo/bar/baz.scss
      • foo/bar/_baz.sass
      • foo/bar/_baz.scss

      If the URL was foo/bar/baz.scss, the importer would just look for:

      • foo/bar/baz.scss
      • foo/bar/_baz.scss

      If the importer finds a stylesheet at more than one of these URLs, it should throw an exception indicating that the URL is ambiguous. Note that if the extension is explicitly specified, a stylesheet with the opposite extension is allowed to exist.

    • If none of the possible paths is valid, the importer should perform the same resolution on the URL followed by /index. In the example above, it would look for:

      • foo/bar/baz/index.sass
      • foo/bar/baz/index.scss
      • foo/bar/baz/_index.sass
      • foo/bar/baz/_index.scss

      As above, if the importer finds a stylesheet at more than one of these URLs, it should throw an exception indicating that the import is ambiguous.

    If no stylesheets are found, the importer should return null.

    Calling canonicalize multiple times with the same URL must return the same result. Calling canonicalize with a URL returned by a previous call to canonicalize must return that URL.

    Relative loads in stylesheets loaded from an importer are handled by resolving the loaded URL relative to the canonical URL of the stylesheet that contains it, and passing that URL back to the importer's canonicalize method. For example, suppose the "Resolving a Load" example above returned a stylesheet that contained @use "mixins":

    • The compiler resolves the URL mixins relative to the current stylesheet's canonical URL db:foo/bar/baz/_index.scss to get db:foo/bar/baz/mixins.
    • It calls canonicalize with "db:foo/bar/baz/mixins".
    • canonicalize returns new URL("db:foo/bar/baz/_mixins.scss").

    Because of this, canonicalize must return a meaningful result when called with a URL relative to one returned by an earlier call to canonicalize.


    any - If this importer recognizes url but determines that it's invalid, it may throw an exception that will be wrapped by Sass. If the exception object has a message property, it will be used as the wrapped exception's message; otherwise, the exception object's toString() will be used. This means it's safe for importers to throw plain strings.


    • url: string

      The loaded URL. Since this might be relative, it's represented as a string rather than a URL object.

    • options: {
          fromImport: boolean;
      • fromImport: boolean

        Whether this is being invoked because of a Sass @import rule, as opposed to a @use or @forward rule.

        This should only be used for determining whether or not to load import-only files.

    Returns PromiseOr<null | URL, sync>

    An absolute URL if this importer recognizes the url, or null if it doesn't. If this returns null, other importers or load paths may handle the load.

    This may also return a Promise, but if it does the importer may only be passed to compileAsync and compileStringAsync, not compile or compileString.

  • Loads the Sass text for the given canonicalUrl, or returns null if this importer can't find the stylesheet it refers to.


    any - If this importer finds a stylesheet at url but it fails to load for some reason, or if url is uniquely associated with this importer but doesn't refer to a real stylesheet, the importer may throw an exception that will be wrapped by Sass. If the exception object has a message property, it will be used as the wrapped exception's message; otherwise, the exception object's toString() will be used. This means it's safe for importers to throw plain strings.


    • canonicalUrl: URL

      The canonical URL of the stylesheet to load. This is guaranteed to come from a call to canonicalize, although not every call to canonicalize will result in a call to load.

    Returns PromiseOr<null | ImporterResult, sync>

    The contents of the stylesheet at canonicalUrl if it can be loaded, or null if it can't.

    This may also return a Promise, but if it does the importer may only be passed to compileAsync and compileStringAsync, not compile or compileString.